Face Shape Detector

Upload a photo of yourself and let the AI tell you what face shape you have.

Face Shapes

The five most common face shapes

Silhouette of an oblong face

An oblong face is longer than it is wide, with a forehead, cheekbones, and jawline that are similar in width.

Silhouette of an oval face

An oval face is longer than it is wide, with a forehead that's slightly wider than the chin and gentle curves at the sides.

Silhouette of a square face

A square face has a strong jawline with a forehead and jawline that are approximately the same width.

Silhouette of a round face

A round face has soft curves with cheekbones and face length that are roughly the same width.

Silhouette of a heart-shaped face

A heart-shaped face has a wider forehead and cheekbones with a narrow chin, resembling an inverted triangle.

Frequently asked questions

Determining your face shape involves analyzing the overall contours and features of your face. Face shapes are typically categorized as oval, round, square, oblong or heart-shaped. To identify your face shape, you should examine aspects like forehead width, cheekbone width, jawline, and face length. While manual assessment can provide a general idea, FaceShapeAI offers an easy and proven way to find out your face shape accurately.
Various information about the face is extracted from the uploaded photo, including the position and shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, and the contours of the face. This information serves as the basis for the face shape analysis.
We place great importance on protecting the privacy of our users. The uploaded photos are not permanently stored on our website. We use them exclusively for the purpose of facial shape analysis and ensure that they are handled securely and confidentially. We do not store or use the photos for other purposes and ensure that your personal data is protected.
Yes, the face shape analysis on our website is free for all users. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to analyze their face shape and receive suitable recommendations, regardless of financial means. To continue to offer the service for free, we finance ourselves through advertising on our website, which includes affiliate links and display ads. For the affiliate links, we will earn a comission if you click on the link and make a purchase - meaning at no additional cost to you.
Our AI has a high accuracy in determining the face shape. It has been trained with a comprehensive amount of data that covers a variety of faces with different shapes. However, there may be slight deviations or uncertainties in some cases, especially if the uploaded photo is of poor quality or the face is not clearly visible.
Our face shape detector uses advanced AI and computer vision techniques to analyze the proportions and features of your face. It measures key points such as your jawline, cheekbones, forehead width, and face length. These measurements are then compared to predefined face shape models to determine your closest match among oval, round, square, oblong, or heart-shaped faces.
Our face shape detector is designed to work best with front-facing photos. Side profile photos don't provide enough information about the overall shape of your face for accurate analysis. For the best results, we recommend uploading a clear, well-lit photo where you're facing the camera directly, with your hair pulled back to reveal your entire face shape.
While our face shape detector focuses on the five most common face shapes (oval, round, square, oblong, and heart-shaped), it's important to note that many people have combination face shapes that don't fit perfectly into one category. In such cases, our AI will provide the closest match and may offer insights into which features are most prominent. Remember, face shape is just one aspect of your unique appearance!
Currently, our face shape analyzer is only available for individual faces in uploaded photos. The AI is trained to recognize and analyze a single face. In group photos, the AI may not be able to distinguish the faces individually and therefore cannot perform a precise face shape analysis.
Our AI recognizes various face shapes, including round, oval, oblong, heart-shaped, and square. We have trained our AI model with a wide range of face shapes to cover as many variations as possible. It is important to note that there may also be individual variations within the general face shapes.
The accuracy of the face shape analysis depends on various factors, including the quality of the uploaded photo and the clarity of facial features. To achieve the best results, we recommend uploading a well-lit photo with a clear view of the face. Make sure the face is clearly visible and that no obstacles such as hair or accessories affect the analysis. The better the quality of the photo, the more accurate the results of the face shape analysis will be.


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